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"A Weight Has Lifted’: Meghan & Harry on Leaving The Royals"

On January 8, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced they were largely splitting from the royal family and doing their own thing. Apparently, in their spare time, that includes doing what many do when they’re free: relaxing.

A source close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex told PEOPLE that the couple is relieved not to be on edge constantly and is enjoying a more quiet life in Canada.

“This decision [to leave] had been weighing on them for a long time, and they are relieved to have it done,” the source said. “A weight has been lifted off their shoulders.”

Prince Harry had previously said that the new arrangement didn’t come without a cost as he had to forgo his role as youth ambassador to the Commonwealth. He was also stripped of his honorary military appointments after doing two tours in Afghanistan.

“The military was a part of his upbringing and his life,” the insider said. “He brought a lot to those guys and understood things. It is sad.”

The source said though that the couple got most of what they wanted from the split and claims Harry could care less about titles now that they lost their “his and her royal highness” status.

“[They got] almost everything they asked for,” says the palace insider. “Harry doesn’t care about the titles. It doesn’t interest him; it never has.”

Since leaving the royal family Markle and Harry have reportedly been trying to make money on their own account. Meghan is no stranger to the fashion industry and the dress she wore for her engagement photo sold out in minutes. More recently, according to The Sun, the former actress is already negotiating deals with luxury fashion houses, including Givenchy, the brand that designed her wedding gown.

(Photo by: Samir Hussein/WireImage)

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