Home / Breaking News / Cincinnati High School Hosts Unique, Individual Graduate Ceremonies During COVID-19

Cincinnati High School Hosts Unique, Individual Graduate Ceremonies During COVID-19


(Image: iStock/digitalskillet)

The COVID-19, or novel coronavirus, pandemic, has put a stop to many milestones and celebrations for the year including graduation ceremonies. While many celebrities and even former President Barack Obama have stepped to offer commencement speeches for the class of 2020, there are some who are still disappointed that they won’t be able to celebrate with their fellow classmates and families. One high school in Cincinnati is looking to change that.

A group of seniors at Dohn Community High School came together to create a special send-off for their classmates at their charter school to give other graduates something to celebrate. According to Fox19Now, graduates came out in their caps and gowns—and gloves and masks—to receive their diplomas. They were greeted by family members ready with an elbow bump and warm smiles.

Dohn Director Ramone Davenport refused to let the pandemic stop the school’s graduating seniors from celebrating their special day and felt it was important to do something to lift their spirits. The charter school has around 1,000 students with 98% of them living below the poverty line, 30% are on parole.

For seniors like Prince Dixon, who is heading to the University of Cincinnati, it’s still a time to celebrate with friends and look forward to the future despite the current pandemic going on.

“Students have worked their tails off!” Davenport said. “I have to keep the motivation in the spirit of them, so they can get this high-school diploma then go on to the next level. That’s what it’s about.”

For senior Tasean Moore, who endured bullying in school, the graduation still gives him hope after landing in jail for 18 months for defending himself against a bully. Moore explains how Dohn has given him confidence and a new outlook on life.

“Don’t let nobody get under your skin baby. Be you!” Moore advised. “Forget everybody, no matter what they got to say. Just be happy and put a smile on your face.”

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