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Georgia Mother Trapped In Apartment Over Coronavirus

DaVina Jackson and her two children currently live in China, however, they call Fort Valley, Georgia their home. Unfortunately for all three, they won’t be able to travel as they’ve been quarantined in their Nanjing home due to Coronavirus fears.

Stores in her city have closed due to the virus and she says that it’s spreading everywhere around her, making her afraid to return to work.

“I told them, I’m not coming to work. I’ve got two children at home to take care of,” she said, according to 11 Alive. “If I get sick, they get sick. I’m all the way in China. Who’s going to take care of my kids if something happens to me?”

Jackson said she’s reached out to the American embassy in China but said she was told it can’t help. 11 Alive also reports, “The only way she can fly to the U.S. is through South Korea or Thailand. Right now, ticket prices are going for as much as $3,000.”

In the latest tally, China has reported more than 75,000 cases of coronavirus and at least 2,200 people have died worldwide. The vast majority of those deaths have been in China.

President Donald Trump downplayed the virus today. He blamed the media and Democrats in a tweet, “Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape!” 

Trump will hold a press conference on the coronavirus today at 6 p.m. EST.


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