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Getting Down and Moving On With Dr. Ruth

After the pandemic, how do we learn to get close to one another again? We ask the renowned sex therapist Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer.

A headshot of Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer. The image is set into a frame featuring The Experiment’s show art.
Rachel Murray / Getty

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The COVID-19 pandemic shattered social norms around physical closeness and intimacy. As the world reopens, how do we learn to touch other people again—even in normal, everyday ways? The Atlantic staff writer Emma Green seeks advice from the iconic sex therapist and Holocaust survivor Dr. Ruth on how to find pleasure and purpose after life-changing loss.

Further reading: Dr. Ruth on Finding Love After the Pandemic

Be part of The Experiment. Use the hashtag #TheExperimentPodcast, or write to us at theexperiment@theatlantic.com.

This episode was produced by Julia Longoria and Katherine Wells, with help from Kevin Townsend. Fact-check by William Brennan. Sound design by Alexander Overington.

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