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LeBron And Gilbert Arenas React To Lori Laughlin's Sentence

LeBron James isn’t happy over actress Lori Loughlin’s ability to choose the prison where she will serve her two-month sentence for her role in the college admissions scandal.

The Los Angeles Lakers star took to Instagram Friday (September 18) and shared a screenshot of a Vanity Fair article about Loughlin’s legal case.

“Of her what!!???” LeBron captioned his post. “I’m laughing cause sometimes you have to just to stop from crying! Don’t make no damn sense to me. 

He continued: “We just want the same treatment if committed of same crime that’s all. Is that asking for to much??? Let me guess, it is huh. Yeah I know!! We’ll just keep pushing forward and not expecting the handouts! STRONG, BLACK & POWERFUL!”

On the other hand, former NBA point guard and LeBron rival Gilbert Arenas has a different take and says race didn’t have to do as much with Loughlin’s sentencing as her level of celebrity did. He also drew from his own experiences with the legal system.

RELATED: Lori Loughlin Is Reportedly Having A Becky ‘Freak Out’ After Realizing She May Go To Jail For The College Admissions Scandal

“I’m not even gonna be a hypocrite here when I got in trouble in (DC) for the locker room thingy i picked the “Jail” I had to do my 3 days in I picked the “halfway house” I had to spend 30 days in my case was in “DC” but my body was Virginia when I got to the halfway house, I had my own room I don’t do roommates,” Arenas captioned under a screenshot of the same article about Loughlin’s case. 

He continued: “I spent the day at my house and nights at the halfway house that’s why I picked Virginia, it was closer to the crib I had 2 years of probation..1 year was supervised with 400hrs of community service finished my 400 hrs of community service in “30 mins” don’t worry about the math it added up and then told my probation officer I’m staying in chi-town this summer so either u come there for the pee test or make these 2 years all unsupervised becuz I’m NOT coming back here every week to do drug test on a case that doesn’t involve drugs I don’t do drugs so I’m not wasting my time or money pissing in cuts just to prove that  bam bam never pissed or seen her again so there’s blackprivileges or is this #famousprivilege and this is why I’m the GOAT.”

Lori Loughlin was sentenced to two months in prison in August, in addition to being required to pay a $150,000 fine, completing 100 hours of community service, and two years of supervised release. Her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, was given five months in prison, a $250,000 fine, 250 hours of community service, and two years of supervised release.

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