Home / Breaking News / Noelle Robinson Reveals Why She Dropped Out Of College

Noelle Robinson Reveals Why She Dropped Out Of College

The most famous cast member of Real Housewives Of Atlanta these days seems to be Cynthia Bailey’s daughter Noelle Robinson, who recently revealed she’s in a relationship with another young woman. 

Robinson, 20, is a social media star in her own right and now that all eyes are on her, she’s talking a moment to answer another question she admits she’s “been avoiding” — why she’s no longer in college.

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In a video posted to YouTube, Robinson addresses a fan question inquiring about her “best moments” as a student at Howard University.

“I don’t have like…a best moment, per se. I honestly don’t,” she responds. “I really did not like college, guys. Like, I had my best moments with people at college, but just being on campus, I didn’t really have a best moment. I just had moments where I was not having a bad moment, if that makes sense.”

She continues, “Keep in mind, guys, I was homeschooled for the last two years of high school and I took a gap year, so I was not ready for college at all. From a social standpoint, an academic standpoint, I kinda just got the carpet ripped from underneath me.”

Robinson goes on to say she felt going to school in Atlanta, specifically, was keeping her away from pursuing a career in modeling and acting. “I just felt like I could only just go to school there, and not be able to pursue my passions,” she says. “As far as academically, I just felt like I was studying a lot of things that I wasn’t passionate about, that I knew I wasn’t going to use in my career. I felt myself feeling emotionally, kind of like, drained,” she said. “My mom didn’t go to college and my dad didn’t go to college, either, and they’re very successful.”

She concludes, “I was just like, let me see if there is another option, because there are so many other ways to make money, like now. There’s just so many ways to make money now without a college degree.”

Watch the full video, below:

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