Home / Breaking News / Say What Now? Barack Obama Discovered To Be Following Porn Star Sara Jay On Social Media

Say What Now? Barack Obama Discovered To Be Following Porn Star Sara Jay On Social Media

Beloved Politicians Are Just Like Us: Popular porn star Sara Jay counts the official Twitter account of Barack Hussein Obama among her 1.1 million followers.

Beloved Politicians Are Just Like Us: Popular porn star Sara Jay counts the official Twitter account of Barack Hussein Obama among her 1.1 million followers.
Photo: SAUL LOEB (AFP/Getty Images)

To some, he may be the next best thing since sliced bread but he’s still very much a real human being.

And apparently, like many, he enjoys porn.

Forever President Barack Hussein Obama may not be as buttoned up as some may have thought. And that’s just fine.

Overnight, an award-winning adult entertainment star going by the name of Sara Jay was trending on social media.

Why, you wonder?

Of her 1.1. million Twitter followers, the history-making Honolulan is among them.

According to Page Six, social media exploded early Saturday morning over the fact that the former leader of the free world’s officially verified Twitter account was following the star of films such as Dirty Wives Club and Move Your Booty for Me.

The gossip outlet reported that many joked that the 42-year-old Adult Video News Hall of Fame inductee was trending because men no longer have sports to occupy their time, since coronavirus concerns have ceased and suspended most of normalcy relating to mass gatherings.

“Idk bout y’all, but seeing Sara Jay trending made me feel even more connected to @BarackObama. My man,” wrote one observer.

Another added, “Sara Jay – Obama thought he was logged in to his incognito account …..”

The popular GIF of Forever First Lady Michelle Obama snatching her husband’s phone resurfaced in many posts.

Obama’s following of her dates back a few years.

“Everybody watches porno,” Jay said during a 2015 interview with Chuck Creekmur’s AllHipHop.com site.

“Obama follows me on Twitter! I’m just saying.”

Just a humble brag.

With more than 113 million followers, President Obama follows 608,500 on Twitter.

So, Harpo, who dis woman?

Jay is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Heavy reported, and “is something of a legend” in the adult industry, having starred in porn films since 2001.

In her Twitter and Instagram bios, she refers to herself as “Curvaceous,” “Shameless” and “Insatiable.”

Former president Barack Obama has a fan in porn star Sara Jay, who has referred to him as “fine as fuck.”

Former president Barack Obama has a fan in porn star Sara Jay, who has referred to him as “fine as fuck.”
Photo: Alex Brandon (Associated Press)

In 2018, The Daily Beast wrote that she was “one of the world’s most-searched porn stars… and a very recognizable face.”

Surely, her face isn’t the only thing she’s known for. (wink)

The legal sex worker was embroiled in a legal argument with Airbnb for shutting down her account for an alleged violation of services.

Jay also claimed that her Chase bank account was terminated for similar reasons in 2013.

In 2012, she followed Obama’s re-election campaign closely and in November 2012, Jay tweeted, “Glad Obama got re-elected. I don’t feel like anyone can make a big impact in only 4 years. I think presidential terms should be 6yrs.”

She also referred to the former Chicago community organizer as “fine as fuck.”

Well, many can agree with that.

On Instagram, Jay has more than 2.6 million followers.

Last month, she was among a few other adult entertainment notables who were offered up to our servicemen.

According to Stars and Stripes, the porn site CamSoda, launched a free online video greeting service, allowing someone to book and send personalized video greeting from a selection of adult models to his or her significant other or a friend deployed overseas.


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