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Sunny Hostin Checks Meghan McCain

It’s only two days into the Biden-Harris administration and Meghan McCain is already trying to point fingers at the Biden-Harris adminiatiron on The View. Thankfully, Sunny Hostin is always there to deliver facts.

On a Jan. 22 episode of The View, McCain attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who has finally returned to press conferences now that Biden is in office. 

“Since everyone has gone after the Trump administration,” she began.

“I think that it is okay to hold the feet to the fire for Dr. Faucci.” She then accused Fauci of lying to her because in the earlier stages of the coronavirus pandemic many were told to not stock up on masks and save them for healthcare workers. As more information was known about the novel virus, people were eventually told to wear masks.  

“When the pandemic broke out, I had a bunch of masks and I ended up giving them away because they said it doesn’t do anything and you don’t need it. Just say to me, ‘First responders need them more than average Americans. Please donate them for the good of your heart. I would’ve done the same thing, but I was lied to.’” 

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She then accused President Biden of not wearing a mask on Jan. 21, “We have president Biden, yesterday, him and his family, they’re not wearing masks after a mandate, requiring people to wear masks on federal property. He and his family were not marrying wearing masks out.”

Twitter quickly pointed out McCain was wrong. She is referring to Biden appearing  at the Lincoln Memorial on Jan. 20, not  Jan. 21,  as part of a televised virtual speech for the historic inauguration. 

Former federal prosecutor Sunny Hostin quickly responded with facts.

“The reason that this is a partisan issue is because Trump made it a partisan issue,” Hostin began.

“Trump politicized the virus. In ways that I don’t think any of us would have imagined. He politicized wearing a mask. He doled out resources, according to red states and blue states. I just read this morning that Walgreens says up to 80% of its staff, some long-term care facilities decline  COVID 19 vaccines — and that is because people are scared because of President Trump.”

She also added, “There needs to be accountability for those that enabled president Trump, those that continue this big lie, that COVID is a hoax.” 

Watch the full exchange below: 

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