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Washington Football Team To Retire Sean Taylor’s Number

On Nov. 27, 2007, NFL player Sean Taylor was shot and killed in a botched burglary at his Miami, Florida home. He was only 24 years old. The Washington Football Team is now honoring him by retiring his number.
According to ESPN, Taylor’s No. 21 jersey will be retired, which makes him only the third player in franchise history to receive the honor. Sammy Baugh (No. 33) and Bobby Mitchell (No. 49) are the two other Washington players to have their jersey numbers retired.

Washington Football Team president Jason Wright said in a statement, “I came into the NFL the same year as Sean Taylor and immediately his athletic ability, resilience, grit, and relentless work ethic set him apart. I and many others looked to him as a role model. The fact that he was tragically taken so early hurt our player community, but also our fans, coaches, and staff. We will continue to remember him and hold him up as an example of professionalism and excellence, and we will all strive to mirror his excellence in our own ways.”

On Oct. 17, Taylor’s jersey number will be retired during a ceremony before the Washington Football Team’s game against the Kansas City Chiefs, ESPN also reports.. Additionally, a road leading to the stadium will be renamed “Sean Taylor Road.”

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