However long ago 2016 seems, it can serve as a signpost that helps us mark the passing of time. “A lot of our memories don’t have much of a time-tag or date linked to them at all, just a vague sense of distance,” Wilson said. “Repeating milestones like elections are exceptions—we know the actual calendar time of these events pretty well.”
Wilson and others have studied the importance of “temporal landmarks,” which can be anything that “stands out and makes a day feel special and different from the days that roll by without our noticing,” as Katy Milkman, a behavioral scientist at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, put it to me. These occasional jolts, she said, help us sort memories and process durations of time, “just [like] the way we use physical landmarks to organize space and our memories of places.”
Someone who reaches life expectancy in the U.S.—currently a bit under 79 years—lives through only 19 or 20 presidential elections, but temporal landmarks can take the form of humbler occasions; some more frequent landmarks might be your birthday or a holiday. Even the start of a new week can prod people to reevaluate their behaviors and resolve to make a “fresh start,” as Milkman has found in her research.
Like some stressful, nationwide quadrennial birthday, elections not only encourage us to think about where we’ve been and where we’re headed personally, but may also spur similar, collective thinking about the state of the country. “To the extent that an election can represent a turning point or fresh start, there’s some hope that enough Americans might feel freed from how the past has weighed them down and imagine a less divisive path ahead,” Wilson said.
In some years, this personal and national stock-taking can be nostalgic, thrilling, and fun, but this year, that sense of excitement seems difficult to tap into, given the chaos and anxiety that have defined this presidential race and this year. Here’s hoping the time soon comes when today feels like 1,000 years ago.
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