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<em>The Atlantic </em>Politics Daily: What Warren Won’t Say

3. She’s been asked a variation of this question at every debate, and “she’s sticking to her party’s age-old wariness of telling middle-class families in a simple sound bite that their tax bill might go up,” Russell points out.

4. Warren’s higher-education proposals “have been welcome in the black college community—even though the mechanics of exactly how the fund will operate are still a bit messy,” our education reporter Adam Harris writes, after interviewing Warren earlier this year.

5. Warren laid some groundwork for her foreign-policy thinking in a major speech nearly a year ago. “But it’s already becoming clear that when it comes to foreign policy, Warren’s vision is more conventional; Bernie Sanders’s is more radical. And both leave crucial questions unresolved,” Peter Beinart argued then.

Argument of the Day


A new study puts a price tag for a plan candidates like Warren and Bernie Sanders was defending last night: $34 trillion in the first decade of its operation. Ron Brownstein takes a hard look at the eye-popping figure:

The Urban Institute estimates that a single-payer plan would require $32 trillion in new tax revenue over the coming decade.

How big a lift is it to raise $32 trillion? It’s almost 50 percent more than the total revenue the CBO projects Washington will collect from the personal income tax over the next decade (about $23.3 trillion). It’s more than double the amount the CBO projects Washington will collect over the next decade from the payroll tax that funds Social Security and part of Medicare (about $15.4 trillion).

→ Read Brownstein’s full story here.

+ More from Ron: “How L.A.’s Health-Care Reform Is a Lesson for Democrats.”

Before You Go


Even if you haven’t heard of the artist Jon McNaughton, you’ve seen his work in your news and social-media feeds.

He’s gone viral with paintings of President Donald Trump clutching the American flag (Respect the Flag), Trump playing football (All-American Trump), and Trump at the easel unveiling his masterpiece (The Masterpiece). McNaughton is the closest thing the Trump administration has to a court artist, although liberals see him as more of a court jester. Art critics call him a propagandist and purveyor of populist schlock. He “panders and preaches to the converted” with work that is “drop-dead obvious in message,” says Jerry Saltz, the senior art critic for New York magazine. Others see McNaughton as a straight-up comedian.

→ A professor of art history tries to understand Trump’s court artist.

About us: The Atlantic’s politics newsletter is a daily effort from our politics desk. Today’s edition was written by Shan Wang. You can reach us with questions, comments, or concerns anytime by replying directly to this email.

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