Ahmaud Arbery’s mother Wanda Cooper-Jones has undoubtedly received an outpouring of love and support ever since the brutally tragic video of her son’s killing was released.
On what would’ve been his 26th birthday (May 8), Cooper-Jones received a surprise phone call of support—from Oprah Winfrey. Cooper-Jones confirmed Winfrey offered her condolences and wished Arbery a happy birthday.
TMZ reports:
Wanda says she was in disbelief when she answered the phone to find Oprah on the other end. She’s still not sure how O got her number—O’s got her ways—but Oprah said she was thinking of Ahmaud’s family on what should have been his special day.
Oprah also told Wanda she hopes the family gets justice, but stopped short of saying what she thinks justice would be. Wanda also says O was happy Ahmaud’s murder suspects, Gregory McMichael and Travis McMichael, were finally arrested.
Oprah’s not stopping with a cordial call…Ahmaud’s mom says she’s sending something in the mail, but the contents remain a mystery.
On Friday, Oprah also posted a short video taking a walk with her partner Stedman Graham and what appeared to be two young girls from The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls as part of the #RunWithMaud campaign, where activists, supporters and celebrities took a 2.23 mile (or 2.26 for his 26th birthday) run/walk/jog to honor Arbery’s life.
“Today would’ve been Ahmaud Arbery’s 26th birthday,” Oprah wrote in the IG caption. “But he’s not here to celebrate because he was senselessly shot and killed doing something to make his life healthier and stronger. He went out for a jog while being Black. I wonder what was he thinking in those last seconds of his life? Unimaginable to go for a run in 2020 and end up dead because of the color of your skin. I spoke with his mom Wanda yesterday who says she feels better now that the two men have finally been arrested. But they were only arrested because WE saw the video.”
The two white men who ambushed and killed the young man, Gregory and Travis McMichael were arrested and charged with murder and aggravated assault on Thursday, which to many, was a very long time coming. The tragic incident occurred on Feb. 23.
“I was in a numb state because I had waited for…two months and two weeks,” Cooper-Jones recently told NBC Nightly News. In regard to the ongoing case, Georgia’s attorney general is now requesting federal assistance from the Department of Justice.
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