Home / Breaking News / Behind The Scenes: ‘Us’ Star Evan Alex Reveals He’s Writing A Horror Flick

Behind The Scenes: ‘Us’ Star Evan Alex Reveals He’s Writing A Horror Flick

UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital's 20th Annual "Party on the Pier"

Source: Sarah Morris / Getty

It’s only been a couple years since Jordan Peele‘s directorial debut and already he’s becoming a trailblazer in the horror genre. He’s so inspiring that an actor from his own movie is already coming to him for advice.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, 11-year-old Evan Alex is writing his own script and he tapped Mr. Peele for some advice on its execution.

“I’m working on my own project,” Alex said on Sunday at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital’s 20th annual Party on the Pier. “I’m writing a script… I’ve talked to Jordan about it. I’ve talked to him about the horror and about how I want this to be a little like Game of Thrones.”

There’s no word yet about the details of Alex’s story. But considering folks like Marsai Martin are making executive decisions for big budget movies like Little, Alex’s script could arrive on the big screen in the near future. He played Jason Wilson, the son of Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke‘s character, in the horror flick Us. Being involved in such an acclaimed project could have given him plenty of great ideas. The movie went on to gross over $255 million worldwide and over $175 million domestically. It’ll definitely be a tough act to follow.

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