Home / Breaking News / DJ Beverly Bond Hosts Insta-Live Sunday Brunch Dance Party

DJ Beverly Bond Hosts Insta-Live Sunday Brunch Dance Party

After DJ D-Nice made us all break out our best living room dance moves on Saturday night, another music icon — DJ Beverly Bond — kept the IG Live party going on Sunday (March 22). Her brunch edition of the increasingly-popular social media gatherings was appropriately dubbed “Musical Soul Food.”

RELATED: Rihanna, Michelle Obama, Oprah And 100k More Joined D-Nice’s Epic Club Quarantine Party

Hundreds tuned in to see DJ Beverly Bond work the 1s and 2s. One Instagram user said “Thank You @djbeverlybond of @blackgirlsrock for giving us our mid-day party on IG Live !!!  It was (fire).” Many more expressed their appreciation on Twitter.

Bond, who is also the creator of the non-profit organization Black Girls Rock!, played for three hours, from 2pm-5pm EST.

These social media dance parties are just another example of Black Excellence at work. On Saturday (March 21), DJ D-Nice played for more than seven hours — also on IG Live — for a party called Club Quarantine, which attracted some 100,000 participants, including Rihanna, Oprah and Michelle Obama and many more stars. D-Nice started the Instagram party last Wednesday, when he played to a mostly empty “room.” In just a few days, Club Quarantine caught fire.

Since a National Emergency was declared over the Coronavirus Pandemic, Americans have been strongly encouraged to stay inside and only leave to get food, do grocery shopping or if there is an emergency.

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