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<em>The Atlantic Daily</em>: The Case Against Donald Trump

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“Spectacularly obvious.”

That’s what our editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, writing on behalf of The Atlantic’s editors, called the choice voters face this November.

“Two men are running for president,” he writes. “One is a terrible man; the other is a decent man. Vote for the decent man.”

For just the fourth time in our 163-year run, The Atlantic is endorsing a candidate, and that candidate is Joe Biden.

We are doing so because President Donald Trump represents a threat to our collective existence:

Biden is a man of experience, maturity, and obvious humanity, but had the Republican Party put forward a credible candidate for president, we would have felt no compulsion to state a preference. Donald Trump, however, is a clear and continuing danger to the United States, and it does not seem likely that our country would be able to emerge whole from four more years of his misrule.

Read the full endorsement on our site.


What to read if … you’re still processing last night’s debate:

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