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<em>The Atlantic Daily</em>: This Pandemic Isn’t Over

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“Americans are pretending that the pandemic is over,” Yascha Mounk writes. “It certainly is not.” The coronavirus, he argues, will win—and many will be to blame.

Meanwhile, our collective understanding of this virus continues to evolve. Here are three things we learned about the pandemic in recent days:

1. Cases are on the rise in some U.S. states.

That includes Arizona, North Carolina, and California. “These numbers all reflect infections that likely began before this week of protest,” Alexis C. Madrigal and Robinson Meyer write. “An even larger spike now seems likely.”

2. Evidence is mounting that vitamin D may help fight the virus.

James Hamblin surveys the research in his new “Paging Dr. Hamblin” advice column.

3. A subset of those who get sick stay sick for months.

They’re called “long-haulers,” and many have faced disbelief from doctors and friends, writes Ed Yong, who interviewed nine of them for this story.

Giancarlo Esposito in “Do the Right Thing,” 1989 (Everett Collection)


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