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<em>The Atlantic</em> Politics Daily: Will Iowa Always Get to Go First?

—Saahil Desai



(Michelle Rohn)

The über-popular podcast host Joe Rogan gave a sort of unofficial endorsement to Bernie Sanders this week, leading the Vermont senator to tout this support on Twitter.

But considering Rogan’s track record of making misogynistic comments and dabbling in conspiracy theories, Sanders’s showcasing of Rogan’s endorsement ignited a wildfire of controversy.

“Few men in America are as popular among American men as Joe Rogan,” Devin Gordon writes. His August 2019 story tries to understand the enormous wave Rogan has been riding:

The bedrock issue, though, is Rogan’s courting of a middle-bro audience that the cultural elite hold in particular contempt—guys who get barbed-wire tattoos and fill their fridge with Monster energy drinks and preordered their tickets to see Hobbs & Shaw … He shares their passions and enthusiasms at a moment when the public dialogue has branded them childish or problematic or a slippery slope to Trumpism.

Read the rest.




1. “Much of Tulsi Gabbard’s complaint reads less like a legal argument than a stump speech.”

A 2020 Democratic presidential contender is suing Hillary Clinton, arguing that the former Secretary of State had maliciously called Gabbard a “Russian asset” in an act of defamation.

But the suit is flimsy and reads more like a rallying cry for relevance from a campaign stuck at a statistical zero, David Frum argues.

2. “By doing nothing to ensure that the process is fairly constructed to get at the truth, John Roberts is in fact taking a side.”

The Chief Justice has had opportunities to resolve impasses over facts and evidence in Trump’s impeachment trial, but has stayed out of the partisan mess. Still, Democrats should be prodding him to play a more active role, rather than letting Mitch McConnell and the Trump defense team manipulate the process, Kim Wehle argues.

3. “Equality premised on the power to end life is not true equality at all.”

Trump headlined the March for Life in Washington today, the first sitting president to make remarks at the event in the decades it’s been ongoing.

If you’re still thinking about the abortion-rights issue, read this argument from Erika Bachiochi:

Many Americans think of Roe v. Wade as the defining Supreme Court decision on the issue of abortion. But a 1992 high-court decision actually governs abortion law. That ruling rested on fateful assumptions about the relationship between abortion and women’s equality. But in so doing, it has served to enshrine social and professional inequalities, which mothers must fight against every day.

Read the rest.



Marines arriving on a beach outside Beirut, Lebanon, on July 15, 1958 (BETTMANN / GETTY)

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“We are opening a Pandora’s Box,” Dwight Eisenhower warned when he ordered the first U.S. combat mission in the region. Little did he know how right he would be.

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