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Get 24 Expert-Led Courses On Cybersecurity For Less Than $3 Per Course

According to the U.S. Commerce Department, there are almost half a million open positions in cybersecurity across the country. There is an increasing need for cybersecurity professionals from private businesses to government agencies, as vital infrastructure and services need to be protected. After all, a single ransomware attack could cost a company millions of dollars in damages.

If you’re looking for a change in careers, there’s no greater time than now to help fill this shortage. Tim Herbert, executive vice president for research at CompTIA, said that one does not need to be a graduate of MIT to score a job in the field. The only requirement is that you have the proper training, proper certification, and of course, commitment to getting the job done.

For quality training, you can start with the Complete 2021 Cyber Security Super Bundle, which comes packed with courses that discuss crucial security areas and techniques on how to keep files and data secure from outside threats. Valued at $7,080, it’s currently on sale for just $69.99.

Enrollees can expect to participate in in-depth classes surrounding network security, database security, cloud security, and project management security procedures. You’ll also get an overview of cybersecurity awareness and prevention, as well as the latest in techniques, tools, and trends. If you wish to get certified, you can benefit from the prep courses available, which dispense tips on how to ace certification exams.

Whether you are looking to switch careers or hoping to supercharge the cybersecurity of your company, this bundle is right up your alley. It also happens to be hosted by iCollege, one of the most trusted marketplaces in e-Learning, so you know you’re only learning from the best in the business.

For a limited time, you can grab the Complete 2021 CyberSecurity Super Bundle on sale for only $69.99. With 24 courses included, that comes out to less than $3 per course.

Prices subject to change.

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