Home / Breaking News / Indiana Politician Resigns After Claiming Some Insane Foolishness About 'Uneducated' Voters Breeding

Indiana Politician Resigns After Claiming Some Insane Foolishness About 'Uneducated' Voters Breeding

Larry Brown

Larry Brown
Screenshot: Fox 55 (YouTube)

Larry Brown (the Indiana council member not the former NBA coach) is a goddamn idiot.

He knows it, the people of Indiana know it and now “you ain’t even got no job, cause you triflin’.”

During a county council meeting on June 18, District Four Council Member Larry Brown, decided to open his dumbass piehole to talk about George Floyd protests happening in his area. Brown was also apparently annoyed that voters were using their God-given rights to call on more from their elected officials, so he fixed his thin white-ass lips to say this bullshit:

“As uneducated as they are, obviously, on local government, they do vote. And, unfortunately, they also breed. But um, they do vote, and they’re gonna be an uneducated voter.”

Wait, we have a live Root reporter in the area:

Some 10,000 people and government folks called for Brown to take his ass the fuck home and with that, Fort Wayne’s NBC notes that he will be saying whatever he wants but he won’t be doing it as a councilmen.

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“I offer my sincere apology. It was a mistake and inappropriate. It’s out there, but I can’t pull it back. I wish I could, but I can’t.”

Now what was that about uneducated breeding again, Larry Brown?

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