Following reports that original Love & Hip Hop cast member Emily B may be returning to the franchise, two other members from the reality show’s inaugural cast have confirmed their spots in the series’ forthcoming season.
During a recent interview on Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club, Jim Jones confirmed that he and his longtime partner, Chrissy Lampkin, will be back on the show.
“Chrissy is going back on Love & Hip Hop,” he said. “She will be on Love & Hip Hop. I told them I’ll jump on a couple episodes and support her.”
The rapper added that the decision came about after Lampkin had a successful meeting with the franchise’s executive producer, Mona Scott-Young.
“She did great business with Mona. They came to a hell of an agreement, which it kind of made me smile how she did her business,” he added. “It was just kind of dope.”
He continued to gush about his woman’s business savviness during the interview and stressed that he “had nothing to do with” the deal.
“I made sure I stayed out of it because I’m more emotionally tied to it than anything else,” he said. “She was able to separate the two — the emotion and the business — and she got a dope a*s deal done.”
Take a look, below:
When the franchise premiered in 2012, Chrissy Lampkin was its main star, and it gave viewers an inside look into her life and relationship with the “We Fly High” rapper. The original cast also included the likes of Yandy Smith, Olivia, Emily B and Somaya Reece.
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