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Louisville Police Release Breonna Taylor Incident Report

The Louisville Police Department released its “incident report” with details about the night Breonna Taylor was killed by three police officers while sleeping in her bed, and the report is missing one key thing: details.

According to the Courier Journal, the incident report is almost completely blank, and doesn’t even mention Taylor was killed during the no-knock raid to her apartment. Police wrongly suspected Taylor of being an accomplice to a local narcotics dealer, despite plenty of evidence showing she was innocent — including the fact that the drug dealer was arrested in a different location earlier that same night.

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Among the most galling aspects of the so-called report is that it lists her injuries as “none,” even though she was shot at least eight times and died on her hallway floor in a pool of blood, according to attorneys for her family.

It lists the charges as “death investigation — LMPD involved” but checks the “no” box under “forced entry,” even though officers used a battering ram to knock in Taylor’s apartment door.

It also lists under the “Offenders” portion of the report the three officers who fired in Taylor’s apartment, fatally shooting her — Sgt. Jon Mattingly, 47; Myles Cosgrove, 42; and Brett Hankison, 44.

Those three officers have not yet been arrested or charged with any crimes, despite widespread outrage across the country. America is now past the two week mark of protests demanding justice for Taylor, as well as George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, two other innocent Black people killed by law enforcement in recent weeks. 

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