Home / Breaking News / Man Charged With Pop Smoke’s Murder Didn’t Want Gunfire

Man Charged With Pop Smoke’s Murder Didn’t Want Gunfire

Pop Smoke was tragically murdered in a home invasion on February 19, 2020. Corey Walker, the one adult suspect who was charged with murder for the home-invasion robbery, encouraged the use of a flower vase to be used by the 15-year-old alleged gunman instead of a gun. 

Walker, 20, appeared back in court on Friday (Oct. 15). According to Rolling Stone reports, his defense lawyer, Christopher Darden, filed a motion to dismiss the murder and robbery charges brought upon his client. He claims Walker did not want to use a gun. Darden says Walker “assaulted” the gunman after he opened fire on Pop Smoke. 

RELATED: Pop Smoke’s Murder Investigation Reveals Tragic New Detail About His Death

“It is clear from the evidence that [Walker] did not enter the house, was not armed, and did not personally kill the victim,” Darden stated in the motion. “Moreover, the evidence is clear that the defendant did not share the actual killer’s intent to kill.”

Darden also argues that his client “did not plan this crime” and “remained outside seated in the driver’s seat” of a car that was shared by him and his grandmother. 

Walker was aware of the weapon but did not want it to be used. “If it became necessary for the suspects to defend themselves, they should use a flower vase rather than shoot someone,” Darden stated. 

When the four other robbers arrived back at the vehicle, Darden says that’s when Walker learned of the shooting, and his reaction was an assault on the shooter. 

Darden is hopeful that Walker’s charges will lessen, telling Rollingstone “we will perhaps have a resolution soon. We all realize my client didn’t kill anybody.” 

December 3rd is the hearing on the new motion. It’s estimated that Walker’s 4-week trial will begin within 90 days of the aforementioned date. 

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