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Redskins’ Williams: Team Doctors Misdiagnosed My Cancer

Trent Williams, a long-time offensive tackle for the Washington Redskins, claims team doctors misdiagnosed his cancer more than five years and it nearly cost him his life.

The Pro-Bowler has yet to play a game this NFL season because of a holdout he began before week 1. Many believed up until this point, like most holdouts, it was over money. According to Williams, though, it was much more.

Speaking with reporters in the Redskins locker room on Thursday (October 31), Williams detailed what he said were “some scary things” that doctors told him as he was dealing with a tumor on his head.

Williams claims he told doctors of his medical issue six years ago with the growth on his head becoming substantially larger over time. He said he had the tumor removed from his skull and needs to get a checkup every six months to confirm he’s in good health.

Back with the team this week, he described himself as being emotional and frustrated with the team’s medical staff, who he claimed downplayed the severity of the growth and when he visited a different hospital in Virginia received a more serious diagnosis.

“I almost lost my life. Seriously, I almost lost my life,” he said. “You’re 30 and coming off seven straight Pro Bowls and a doctor tells you to get your affairs in order. It’s not going to sit well with you. It still doesn’t. It’s a scary thing to go through. Think how you describe to your 9-year-old, your 5-year old that daddy might not be here. It’s tough.”

Williams revealed that the tumor had to be extracted, which meant he had to lose “30 percent” of his scalp. On whether he sees himself playing for the Redskins again, Williams says he doesn’t trust with the organization and that his relationship with team president Bruce Allen has been frayed.

“No, there’s no trust there,” Williams said. “This is still my team. The guys in here, I love them to death. I talk to them on the daily. I watch every game, every game I could. I support them. I wouldn’t support any other team. These guys are my family. I hated to see [former Redskins head coach Jay Gruden] go. I felt like, maybe I played a part in that. Maybe if I was here to help, maybe win some games, then maybe his job would still be intact. I felt that way because I personally loved Jay, I loved him as a person, so I didn’t want to see him go. It’s business.”

After speaking with the media, the Redskins released a statement claiming they requested the NFL Management Council to convene a joint committee with the NFL Players Association to review Williams’ medical records and the sort of care he received.

Watch video of Trent Williams speaking with the press below.

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