One thing about Republicans: They know how to get their people all riled up over a lie.
Because that’s all this anti-Critical Race Theory hoopla is, right? It’s just the GOP realizing it has to keep its base energized, and now that said base’s rust-colored cult leader is out of office, banned from Twitter, and deterred from making a social media comeback after nobody wanted to read his janky-ass blog, Republicans need a new way to dial up the crazy, which appears to be the only thing Republican voters respond to these days. I mean, Marjorie Taylor Greene can’t be expected to hold down the bat-shit fort all on her own, after all.
The right-winger campaign to burn CRT at the stake like it was accused of witchcraft in the 17th century is just as much a manufactured-through-propaganda issue as the “stop the steal” campaign was before it, which is why white people are responding to it the same way, and it’s why a Virginia school board meeting that had nothing to do with CRT was interrupted by unruly CRT protesters, NBC News reports.
In a statement, the Loudoun County School Board said it had to end its June 22, meeting abruptly after “loud public demonstrations violated the decorum of the meeting,” which is a very polite way of saying white people are crazy and other white people ain’t even got time for their shit.
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According to BuzzFeed News, one man was arrested and another was detained for trespassing after a fight broke out during the board meeting, which, by the way, was scheduled to discuss the implementation of a school policy requiring school staff and students to address trans and non-binary students by their preferred names and pronouns.
There were reportedly parents and community members there to speak out against the oppressive nature of being forced to *check notes* respect trans people and their identities, but for the most part, protesters were all about that put-CRT-through-the-guillotine energy.
BuzzFeed reports that 48-year-old Scott T. Smith (a plain white slice of Wonder Bread is more interesting than this guy’s name) was involved in a fight that broke out in the boardroom after he physically threatened another attendee. Smith, who was charged with obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct, reportedly continued to behave disorderly and resisted arrest while being taken into custody, at which point he was shot dead like a resisting negro taken safely off the premises.
Video footage taken from the protest also showed another man shouting at deputies, “This is an unlawful arrest. I have a First Amendment right,” while he was also clearly resisting arrest, at which point he was also shot dead like a resisting negro safely taken away by astonishingly patient and un-afraid-for-their-lives police officers. (Seriously, just lie to me, cops. Just tase one or two white men and maybe strike a token Caucasian in the knee with your baton just for the illusion of racially objective policing.)
All and all, the meeting had to end early because it quickly devolved into a clusterfuck of angry white people who have made a revolution out of not knowing what the hell they’re talking about.
Loudoun County School Board Chair Brenda L. Sheridan ended the event by scolding the protesters while declaring that they won’t stop progress from happening in the county’s schools.
“Tonight, the Loudoun County School Board meeting was interrupted by those who wish to use the public comment period to disrupt our work and disrespect each other,” Sheridan said, BuzzFeed reports. “Dog-whistle politics will not delay our work. We will not back down from fighting for the rights of our students and continuing our focus on equity.”
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